Designing Custom Inserts 

Custom inserts let you secure the products that are within the box, displaying the products as well when it’s time to unbox them. This is great as well if you’ve got multiple products to package, and custom inserts let you figure out the way that you want the product to be within the box, preventing it from moving when you’re shipping and transporting things. 

The thing is, with inserts, a lot of effort goes into this, whether you’re looking to print it, size it up, or give it the right material, and you want to package these to make them look good and hold the product well. 

Packaging inserts are vital for making sure that the measurements are right, especially when you’re designing the products so that they don’t slide off. 

First, you want to Choose the Material 

The type of packaging that you’re going to be using does matter, especially if you have a specific product that’s in there. 

Usually, foam, or cardboard are the main types, with paper being  the best one for lighter products such as cosmetics and stationery. 

You can also get the inserts with soy-based ink on the paper one, which makes it biodegradable. 

Cardboard is also a good option for those who are shipping things in bottles, such as perfumes, wines, and the like. They also offer printing. 

Foam inserts are the third type, but they’re not eco-friendly, nor can you print on them, but if you have jewelry that does need protection, or electronics that you want to ship, this is the best way to do it, and you can get them in two colors, black or white. 

Make sure that the marketing fits the inserts 

This should be obvious, but the packaging and the inserts do impact the brand. 

Packaging is a canvas that you use to tell a story, and attract those around you. 

You can print on the inserts to offer some benefits, and you can tell a story, maybe put some thought inside the inner parts of this. 

You may want to add some branding hashtags, or even a review code or something, or a creative slogan or response. 

The goal here is that you want to put yourself in the shoes of the customer, to get them to click and look at the products, and the packaging, sharing this out to various social media.  You want to look at how you view the brand when you’re unboxing this, and you want to make sure that the products fit in this. 

Less is Always More 

With inserts, less is always more. if you’re constantly stuffing the boxes to fit the item, and are using pellets and paper on top of this, you’re defeating the purpose of these inserts. 

Inserts are supposed to be a kind of sustainable packaging. While they can be expensive, they also do get rid of the waste, and this is great not just for the company, but also something that customers notice.  This is great too, because it oftentimes means that they have to discard less, and customers do notice this. Try to go for cardboard of paper inserts whenever you can, and if you absolutely must, then go with foam. 

Inserts are great for holding the items that you have, and also keeping everything safe when it’s being transported. You can use these custom insert ideas to bring your product to life and see for yourself the difference in this that happens as a result of the changes here, and the benefit that this offers to you as well for you.